Monday, September 10, 2007

Practice in emergency communications....

At least 75 ham radio operators participated in LOTOJA, (Logan, Utah to Jackson, Wyoming,) bike race this past Saturday. Many of them are ERC specialists in their local units. This joint effort included members from 6 radio clubs, used 6 repeaters, as well as APRS trackers, SKYPE program on computers, FSR radio's, and simplex frequencies. Experience from running net control to being mobile following bikers, has given hours of traffic and more experience in working together. Two years ago at LOTOJA, a real emergency did arise. A freak hail storm in the canyon where the bikers were riding, caused 500 bikers to get hypothermia. If it were not for the quick action of the ham radio operators, this situation could have been much worse. Each year, radio operators are encouraged to volunteer for any of the public events held during the summer; to practice their radio skills, and to get experience in emergency situations.
-Bob Humpherys, KD7BHB, Logan storehouse ERC.

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